Each day things seem to improve so I'm going to do my best not to over do it and keep building and making progress. But I have to tell you...it's pure bliss to be running again. I missed it, but I didn't realize how much. I absolutely love tying up the shoes and just leaving the front door to get in a great workout. A set back at this point would be just an awful turn of fate...but one I can't control. So I'm taking the optimistic view and hoping that it continues to go well.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
So my experiment is working the way I hoped it would. I've now run four days in a row. A little jaunt on Christmas Eve, two 25 minute runs on Christmas and the day after and today I did 3.2 miles, half of which on trails. I was going to go to the gym today, but it was in the low 50's when the sun popped out this afternoon so I said the hell with it and had my best run since last June 25 (literally).
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I sing...poorly.
Check me out singing and screwing up other people's songs!
Cover of the Pondering Judd tune (my fave by them).
Cover of the Chris Pureka tune.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Solstice Hike

This year we have to head to Scranton, PA for some family business on the Solstice (tomorrow, the 21st). So with the Nor'easter raging outside we decided to have our outdoor celebration today (20th) and then do our ritual on Christmas Eve. Like I said, we're not dedicated to the religion just yet, but we do love our traditions.
We woke up this morning to 7 inches of fresh out our door. Carli was out in the storm by 6:30 to do a Starbucks run and shortly after her return we had loaded the car with snowshoes, poles and Kennebunk and we were off to the Middlesex Fells.
This was Lily's second time on her snowshoes and she rocked it! She was all smiles despite the still fast falling snow and the wind whipping it into our faces. We have to leave for Scranton by Noon so we kept the hike to about an hour, just a quick out and back, but enough to enjoy nature and remember that it's because of this amazing place called Earth that we can be who we are and do what we do. Happy Solstice.

Saturday, December 19, 2009
"We are men of action, lies do not become us."
-The Princess Bride
My left ankle. New strategy. I've spent the last year and a half doing rehab, pushing too far, setting back, pushing too far and resigning myself to days at the gym with no running or cycling. I'm not nearly patient enough to endure this any longer.
Intuition reveals itself in funny ways. Religious folks believe if they pray hard enough, the answer will come to them through the mouth of God (or sonny Jesus to quote the toughest screw every to walk Shawshank). Some say it's the fact that they've given birth that allows them to see what needs to be done or know what will happen. Not sure what it was with me, but the other night as I was walking to my car in mesh shorts and a tech tee on my way to the gym, I decided that was going to jog around the block, just to see what would happen.
Until that moment my strategy was going to be rehab, strength and stretching for another 3-4 weeks to see what kind of improvement I was experience. If it was little to none I was going to head back to the doctor for a referral to a specialist and perhaps a second MRI. So this decision to run around the block was contrary to what I had laid out for myself. But the little voice spoke and I didn't argue. I didn't go back in to change into more appropriate running clothing or put my keys away; I walked down the driveway, and starting a light jog around our miniscule block.
As expected the ankle hurt in all the usual places but I figured if nothing else it would feel good just to feel my heart rate up and all the usual running perks. But over the course of the 2-3 minutes it took to round our block, my mind formulated a new strategy: to start running regardless of the pain. I'd go every other day and in between I'd continue to strengthen and do all my PT exercises. Not sure why this makes sense, it just does. The only time my ankle has felt good recently is after stretching or working it, so why not run through the pain?
I ran a little bit longer the day before yesterday, last night at the gym I did a few laps on the track and today I got out for 15 minutes. There are moments that it hurts, but it's nothing I can't run through. The bottom line for me is I don't want to wait around and see if it gets better. The way I figure it, there are two possible outcomes from this experiment:
1. The running helps, the ankle heals and before long I'm back to normal and no longer posting long winded, whiny posts on my blog about my damn ankle.
2. It exasperates the situation. It gets worst, blows up, something tears, it becomes so sore I can barely walk. In this case I go back to the doctor, but at least I'll have something to show her. Even if doesn't get this bad, if it doesn't get better I'm back at the doctor's office.
I'm not waiting around any longer and let this thing linger into 2010. Time to take action.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
...and then, without a moments notice, I saw from the corner of my eye the French Press go spiraling end over end off of the kitchen corner. I could barely react before the deafening shatter of glass filled the air. I simply stood; standing in disbelief as I took in the small yet far reaching pile of shards and coffee grounds. What once had stood to become a pleasant afternoon cup of coffee was now an angry mass of brown with a twirl of twinkling glass mocking my astounded expression. All of this at 1:49 in the afternoon.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Damn nearly a month? I need to post something...so here are some random pics from the past few weeks...
The girls!

Coolest boss of all time! Driving around Heber, UT
Outside the coolest coffee shop ever. Pretty sure Canice is now engaged to owner who was once a happening roller skating...

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