Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Seashore Strider YMCA 5 Mile Road Race - 14th Place

"Back, back and we're glad he's back..."
-The Mighty Mighty BossTones

I'm back from a week at the Delaware Shore (I mean, Delaware) at a family reunion. The high point of the constant party that is the First State, was running a road race my first full day there. I found the Seashore Strider YMCA 5 miler online a couple of weeks before and the only one of my family who showed any interest was my Nephew-in-law Eric. When we showed up last weekend and he had already registered, I decided to run too. I hadn't registered prior to arriving because it was a road race and it was a 7:30 start time. But once I had a companion, I was in.

I wasn't expecting to do much at this race. The roadie crowd is different from the trail crowd, I mean it's entirely different sport and the turnout is always higher at a road race; so my plan was to use this as a workout. Which means I'm pretty pumped to report back that I finished 14th overall. I don't know my exact time and I don't know the amount of attendees, but I would conseratively estimate 300 runners. The person who finished ahead me told me that she was in around 32 or 33 minutes and I was less than a minute behind her, so I really couldn't be happier with my performance. However, I would really appreciate if they would post the results from the race, as promised, on the Seashore Striders website. It's been a week and they're still not up there. The only reason I know I was 14th is I saw the finisher board they were piecing together before I bailed for a day of beach and beer. RD's take note: part of putting on a race is finishing it with the results posted ASAP. Oh well, regardless, it was a good showing.

I don't think that I'm going to do the XTerra 12.5k next weekend. After the 5 miler I only ran one other time this week, so I don't feel very prepped. I'm sure I would do fine, but if I'm going to pay to race and after the 5 miler and the trail 10k two weeks ago, I'd rather save my money for something I've prepared for. So barring a change in heart my next race will the be the Moose on the Loose 10 miler in Nashua, NH at the end of the month. Details to come.

To celebrate returning to New England, I took the mountain bike out for a 1.5 hour ride today. So fun to be on the bike on these trails. They're much more technical than the trails we rode in the Front Range. More roots, rocks and mud...but less steep climbs and more rolly. Super, super fun to rip around through the tight turns of the forested Massachusetts trails. Next year...I am definitely doing an XTerra triathlon and at least one local AR.

On another note, at the beach I finally got to see The Dark Knight and it immediately found itself residing on my all time top movies list. Holy crap what a film. It was the perfect blend of thriller, drama, comedy (some small moments), comic-book-flick and action in one movie that I have yet to see. As a former comic book guy I'm pretty forgiving on the movies based on funny rags. But this flick stood on its own. You could loath comic books and comic book movies and you'd still dig this movie. Good times. Can't wait for the next one.

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