Friday, July 25, 2008

Winnekenni Downpours and New Trails

So as the 2 people who may actually read this blog may have heard, there was some crazy weather here in New England the past few days. New Hampshire actually had a tornado touch down, not too far from where I used to live. Yesterday morning I was up and running at the crack of dawn and I lucked out to not get too wet.

My go-to place to run these days is Winnekenni Park and trails around Kenoza Lake. The trails are super fun and varied for the amount that are there. Everything from fire road to singletrack and some decent hills make for a good close to home destination. Yesterday morning I woke up with the intention of doing the long loop that I've been running there and instead woke up to some major thunderstorms passing through the area. I got up and checked out the weather channel to see that there was about to be a small break in the weather so I laced up my shoes and headed out.

It was super dark out but I managed to negotiate the trails pretty well given how wet everything was and the lack of light. I decided to forgo my plan of the long loop and try to find some singletrack that I had heard about on the south side of the lake. Well, I found it and it was fun! The trails lead all the way over to Lake Saltonstall on the southwest side of Kenoza lake and then opens up into a fire road that leads to more trails around this smaller lake. I've only had my mountain bike out once since coming back, but I'm super motivated to get out on the bike and do some serious exploring around these two lakes.

Anyway, by this time another thunderstorm was gearing up so I high-tailed it back towards Kenoza and ended up getting rained on for most of the way home. Ended up doing a roughly 50 minute run which I duplicated this morning in better conditions. Tomorrow we leave for DE, so I'm not sure how many updates I'll post...hopefully a few...and hopefully I find some trails. I'm not looking forward to road running, but so it goes. Cheers...

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