So, I don't think it was the terrain, but my feet are still sore today from the race on Saturday. Weird.
Anyway, I'm back at it tomorrow morning. It will be the kick off to a long day as I'm heading down to Providence for a client meeting that will last through dinner. But I elected to skip today so I have not choice but to do the 4:50am rise for a 40+ minute run before heading out to do battle with Boston area freeways.
As noted last night my next race will be in Hanover, NH on 8/9, the XTerra Stoaked 12.5k. I decided on this one over the 10.5 miler in Oxford, MA by the scientific method of telling my wife about both of them and seeing what she thought. She said that she had a hankering to check out Hanover so that was where her vote went. It actually makes the most sense since it's roughly three weeks away and slightly longer than the race I did this past weekend. From there I'll do the the Moose on the Loose 10 mile race in Nashua at the end of August. That seems to make sense.

Next week we're heading to the Delaware shore for a family reunion of sorts. I've found a state park nearby and I'm hoping it has some trails, otherwise it's on the road or the beach for me. It will be great to head down there and take a week off. I haven't had a vacation of any length in two years and last year my family did a reunion in New Hampshire but I had just moved to Colorado so I missed out. This isn't the best timed trip with work, but it was planned before I started my new job, so I'm not going to miss it and frankly, I'm pretty pumped!

I've found that I love to be in the mountains. I have a drive to climb them, but it's more for the outdoor experience with friends. Some climb big peaks because they are driven to do so. They wake up in the morning and if they aren't headed to the hills something gnaws at them until they do go. I get that feeling about different things and I'll take care of that part of my personality either trail running or mountain biking. The mountains were meant to be savored. They were meant to be visited with your pals and be climbed with no agenda, and plenty of long photo indulgent breaks. They were meant to build friendships. Cheers Team TBL OP '06.

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