Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hope is a good thing...

...maybe the best of things.

Good recovery week. Since I'm not running right now, I went into the gym old school last week and did basic muscle development isolation exercises. I hadn't done this since I discovered Core Performance 4 years ago and found how well that routine fit with my pursuits of cycling/running. It's been fun to focus solely on lifting and interesting to see how hard exercises are now that used to be easier. It's great to feel that burnt feeling of lifting heavy. But it's also killing me to not have that exhausted feeling you get after a big run or bike.

Yesterday I went for a two hour mountain bike ride which was super fun. The terrain here is incredibly technical...and we were on trails that some consider easy. I have a lot of work to do to improve as a biker on these trails. That being said, after our ride and so far through today my foot feels good. I was off the bike quite a bit yesterday on uneven terrain so I definitely worked my foot, so to not hurt today is a good thing. I'm going to keep moving forward with my lifting routine this week, maybe sprinkle in a yoga and/or spin class and if next weekend I'm feeling good, I may try a short run. Hope, hope.

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