Sunday, October 26, 2008

More Swelling?!

My goddam ankle is still swelling!  Different place.  I got a bit overzealous this week and did my normal "off season" lifting routine which involved some lower body exercises.  Nothing too much, but the main reason I did this routine was my ankle was feeling so much better this week so I figured it was time to do some different things in the gym.  Well the past few days the soreness kicked up a notch so I backed off.  Today, more swelling.  I guess I really did a number on my ankle.

So that's it.  I'm doing upper body and yoga and that's it.  No more pushing.  By the beginning of December I need to be running again so I'm not risking this again for some strength training.  Hoping I didn't do too much damage and that this week becomes a big leap forward.  Ice, ice, ice, ice....

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