This week I kept it simple and did what my ankle allowed. Each day began with yoga and icing and ended with another round of icing. Each day I took my supplements and ibuprofen. Last Sunday I rode my bike to the gym, lifted and rode home. Got in lifts on Monday and Tuesday and being sore and tired, I took off Wednesday and Thursday (aside from yoga) and on Friday, I felt much better. So I got on my road bike and went for a 20 mile ride. Saturday another round of riding to the gym, lifting and riding home. Today I did another 20 mile ride and although a bit achy, so far my ankle is coming through in fine style. It's definitely tired but I'm also adding in more range of motion exercises to increase strength and flexibility.
I'm beyond stoked at these developments. Without the ability to run and/or bike I've really noticed how much these activities have become part of who I am. I have a hard time focusing, I'm antsy...I'm sure if I kept this up, i.e. a sedentary lifestyle, I'd eventually start to get fat and stop caring. But that's a prison sentence if you ask me.
I feel bad for my wife. I'm sure I've been harder to be around the past few weeks. But after the two rides this weekend sandwiched around another day at the gym...I feel infinitely better. It also is giving me hope of a return to riding at the beginning of December with training beginning in earnest for the Fells 50k around the holidays. Exhale, exhale, exhale...Hope Springs Eternal.
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