Got back on the mountain bike today after over a month off due to my gimpy left ankle. I'm glad I didn't push it, like I intended to, and mountain bike a few weeks ago in Arizona because I forgot how much you use every joint and muscle in your legs when riding trails. Also, since I last rode, the landscape has completely changed what with all the leaves off of the trees and down on the ground. Check out this picture and you tell me if you can see the trail.
Exactly. Also when you're riding on leaves this thick you spin out very easily (it also rained last night, even more wipeout fun) and you get to play "what's under the leaves" where you never know when you might hit a rock or log hidden by the leaf pile. So I was off of the bike a bit today, especially on one of the last steep climbs where I kept spinning my back tire and was a bit whupped so I didn't go back down for a second try.
It will be interesting to see how my ankle responds tomorrow. I've already iced it, and I will do yoga tonight and ice it again before doing yoga again in the morning. It feels tired now, so I'm hopeful that it will be sore in the morning with no other repercussions.
Here's today's totals followed by a few more pics from today's ride:
Activity: Mountain Bike
Time: 1:30:42 (that includes stopping to take pics, eat a Gu and chatting with my neighbor for a few minutes after getting home)
Distance: 13.97mi
Avg speed: 9.2mph
Max speed: 20.7 mph
Avg HR: 138bpm
Max HR: 163bpm
Calories burned: 1443

Dude. I tried to email you today and it bounced. Are you still at Go-Lite?
Jen Shultis
Jenny Shultis! Nope...I left GoLite back in May and I'm a New Englander once more!
I just friended you on Facebook so let's catch up!
How'd you find my lil blog?
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