Sunday, November 8, 2009


Yeah, I have a cold. It's annoying me to no end.

Mostly because it's not a typical cold. I don't feel rotten and can function fine. This sounds like a good thing, right? Nope. This cold is just a drippy mess that makes me tired. So even though I don't have that typical feeling of being sick that sucks so much when you have a cold, I still don't feel like working out or doing anything productive. At the end of the day I just want to go to sleep. Not my all.

So today I'm forcing myself to the gym to lift and swim. I don't care what happens to me later tonight (or the possibility of leaving a snot slick in the pool...early apologies to other users at the Malden YMCA) I need to get a workout in.

This is my last week at City Sports. Finally I'll be back on a normal daily grind schedule and I think that will only help me be a better father (consistency) and also get me in the gym with more frequency. I thought a retail schedule would open things up for me, but in reality it only made things harder. Psyched to have things back to normal-ish.

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