Monday, November 9, 2009

Swimming is Awesome

Got into the gym for the second day in a row. Did a great core workout than hit the pool. Swimming is so sick. Totally challenging, form is so hard to master (especially without a coach) and totally rhythmic. I'm hopeful that swimming will help fuel my ankle to recovery. The best part is afterwards, feeling a full body exhaustion that is completely unique when compared to other endurance sports. You don't have that pin pointed weariness or pain that you can get from a tough ride or run, it's just an all over sense of being worn out. I could have slept immediately afterwards. Love it. Can't wait to do it again. Plus since I haven't ridden since Fat Tire Narnia, and I still can't run, it's so nice to hit something aerobic.

I need to get in some serious workouts this week too. Not sure what the situation is going to be in Park City next week. I'm sure I'll have gym access, I just want to go in with zero I need to keep after it this week.

1 comment:

Miss Midwesterly said...

you'll be sucking wind, flat-lander. merely breathing will be enough workout for you. :D