Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Road Run!

So it's come to this. This morning I got up to run and by the time I reached the trails it was too dark to run without lighting...so I did the unthinkable and did my entire run on the road.

Now, it was super cloudy and storm was moving in, so there's a chance that tomorrow morning if it's clear out I may be able to get in some trail time...but the writing on the wall is clear that if I want to keep running in the morning...I better map out some good road runs and/or get a good lighting system for running!

Today was also Lily's first day at her new school and it went great! She had a good time with all her new friends and her teachers were really impressive. I'm sure there will be an adjustment period, but overall we couldn't be happier about where she is going.

Off to the gym...

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