Thursday, August 28, 2008

Beat up

After my whiny post about losing out on more GoLite footwear this will come as a surprise, but I'm pretty sure that those shoes knocked me back about a week. I'll explain.

The newer models of the GoLites have posting in the heel, and if you're a footwear designer take note, is worthless in trail running shoes and only added in as an extra sales/marketing point and to appease retailers. The range of motion that a neutral positioned trail runner will roll through is beyond anything that posting can affect. Also, most posting is added in to help pronators (ankle rolling inward), well, mine naturally supinate (roll outward) so posting can negatively affect me. That being said, I've really had zero issues with both the Carbon Fyre and the Versa Force. Until I upped my mileage.

Last weekend I did 15 miles, this past Sunday I did 10 miles and after each day, in my left foot it felt like there was a pinched nerve and both my ankles were sore and beat up. The other night I went to the gym and just wore an old pair of Sun Dragons, no posting, and boy did that squishy heel feel good. So I am done running in the Versa Force. I'm going back to my Sun Dragons until I head out and get another brand altogether.

With my legs feeling it, I haven't run since Sunday, which is a bummer, but I'm feeling good and planning a light run in the morning with my planned mountain run on Saturday. Updates to come.

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