Friday, August 8, 2008

Weekend and No OR

The weekend is upon us and we don't have any firm plans...while I'm happy about that in one regard, another part of me hates not having a plan. I'm sure we'll end up doing something fun.

For the first time since Summer Market 2004 I'm missing Outdoor Retailer. OR is the bi-annual tradeshow in Salt Lake City where outdoor product manufacturers show off their new goods. I'm psyched to miss the rigamaroll that the show puts you through (set-up, late nights, long time away from family, break-down, more late nights, lots of booze) but I have a lot of friends that I made through the Outdoor Industry who I won't see now until perhaps next OR (if I go to that one). I have a feeling when I figure out what I'm doing this weekend and it includes mountain biking, trail running and/or hiking I'll be a lot happier to go outside and do those activities versus being stuck in the Salt Palace talking to people about doing those activities. But I'll still miss my pals.

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